About the client
GreenHub was approached by the construction company DIM development to solve the dispatching of Schindler elevators at the Park Lake City facility. This is a residential complex with its own reservoir, stylish and ergonomic architecture, apartments with terraces and private yards and a park area.


Perform dispatching of Schindler 3300 MRL elevators, according to DBN requirements.
Connect the elevator dispatching system to the general dispatching system of the entire complex.

The elevators were ordered from the manufacturer's company and assembled at the facility in a complete set without the possibility of dispatching.
Schindler's proprietary Port dispatching system was too expensive and did not provide for communication with the complex's general dispatching system.


Project development

Installation of equipment

Commissioning and debugging works
The Schindler 3300 MRL wireless elevator control system was implemented in four buildings.

Schindler Bionic
A Schindler Bionic board was mounted in each elevator control cabinet to ensure the removal of information and emergency signals from the elevator's internal controller.

An additional contactor with an intermediate relay for remote resetting of the elevator equipment was installed in each elevator control cabinet.

Schindler SCOPPI
An additional Schindler SCOPPI interface board was mounted on the roof of each elevator car to provide remote access to the elevator.

All control cables were connected to GreenHub™ elevator dispatch equipment.
The results
The dispatching system supports two-way communication with each elevator
The operator has the opportunity to receive statuses and errors of operation for each elevator online.
The operator has the ability to remotely reload the elevator equipment in the event of an emergency situation.
The operator has the ability to remotely control the calls of each of the elevators.